Hard Water Problems?
Yeah, We Fixed That.
Skip the salt-based water softeners and start saving your money, your water, and yourself.
The GMX Difference
Why Choose Us?
In addition to FREE installation ($150 value), take a look at the amzing benefits of using our revolutionary magnetohydrodynamic GMX technology.
By applying the laws of magnetohydrodynamics, GMX conditioners prevent minerals from precipitating on the inside of pipes and other surfaces in the form of hard scale and will not corrode pipes, water heaters, and other fixtures. They thwart scale more completely and efficiently than traditional water softeners do.
When installed in existing water systems, GMX conditioners not only prevent new scale build-up, but will remove existing build-ups over a period of time.
By "unclogging" pipes and fixtures of existing scale build-up and keeping them clear, GMX conditioners permit increased flow of water through them.
GMX conditioners remove the scale build-ups that can drastically reduce the efficiency of water heaters and certain other appliances. This means that more energy is required to produce the desired results. According to the U.S. Bureau of Standards, scale that is just 1/20th of an inch thick can increase energy costs by 10 percent. A 1/4-inch layer of scale results in a whopping 40 percent increase in energy costs. By making these appliances more efficient, you save energy dollars.
Scale build-up can drastically reduce the life and efficient operations of plumbing fixtures and appliances that come in contact with hard water. GMX products reduce maintenance expenses and can eliminate repair costs.
GMX magnetic fluid conditioning products cost only a fraction of what traditional water softeners cost.
Water softeners consume over 800 pounds of salt each year. GMX conditioners don't. Water softeners also require significant amounts of electricity, as well as extra water for backwashing (up to 10,000 gallons a year.) GMX conditioners don't. They consume nothing. In addition, with GMX conditioners you can reduce the amount of soaps and detergents you use for clothing dishes and bathing including shampoos.
An environmental movement is gaining momentum in some areas of the country to prohibit the use of water softeners that use salt. More than 25 communities in California have already banned or restricted their use, claiming that they are harmful to the environment. These water softeners exchange sodium for hardness materials such as calcium and magnesium at a rate of two-to-one and the high levels of sodium can contaminate ground water and waterways, degrading drinking water supplies. GMX conditioners use no salts or chemicals and thereby eliminate this problem.
GMX conditioned water feels fresher and cleaner than water conditioned with salt-based water softeners. There is no slippery feeling when showering. Hair has more luster. The unsightly water spots on dishes, glasses, and even cars and trucks are greatly reduced. Clothes last longer. Swimming pools and spas stay clean and crystal-clear with smaller quantities of chlorines, clarifiers, and purifiers.
According to the American Heart Association, fatal heart attacks and strokes are more common in areas where water is either naturally soft or has been treated with water softeners to remove calcium and magnesium. The AHA also indicates that salt-softened water may cause an elevated sodium level, which as been linked to a variety of other health problems, including high blood pressure, water retention, gall bladder disease and goiters. GMX conditioners offer a healthy alternative: they condition water with magnetics rather than salt. This means that they do not increase the sodium level in the water, and are completely safe for people with heart conditions and hypertension. Plus, they leave the minerals in the water that are essential to human health. Even plants and grass respond to magnetically conditioned water by growing faster and healthier.
Your Appliances Will Thank You.
Any existing scale will be removed and no further scale formation should occur. The heat exchanger will operate far more efficiently and require less energy and less water. Increased equipment life will be realized due to reduction or elimination of lime scale buildup.
Agua Prima-GMX is an INVESTMENT you can't afford to pass up.
Our technology will optimize your shower heads, faucets, water heaters, dishwashers, washers, and you!
Ready For Better Water?
- Made in the U.S.
- Money-back guarantee
- Lifetime warranty
- FREE installation ($150 value)
You deserve better water.
Give us a call or fill out the form below to get started today!